LNG-Gorskaya Overseas to construct LNG centre in Denmark

LNG-Gorskaya Overseas to construct LNG centre in Denmark

Estonian company LNG Gorskaya Overseas and the Danish Port of Grenaa Havn A/S have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will see the construction of a bunkering LNG centre with floating storage of up to 10,000 m3 in Grenaa Harbour. The new capacities for bunkering will fuel vessels in the Danish straits.

The infrastructure for the centre will be constructed in Lubeck in Germany; Montu, Pärnu in Estonia; Grenaa in Denmark; Piteo in Sweden; Kotka-Hamina in Finland and Liepaja in Latvia.

P - LNG Gorskaya copy

For more information visit www.lnggorskaya.ru and www.port-of-grenaa.com

11th June 2017
