The FMCSA grants rest break exemption for trucks hauling petroleum products

The FMCSA grants rest break exemption for trucks hauling petroleum products

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has granted a 5-year exemption from the 30-minute rest break requirement for trucks hauling petroleum products. Under certain conditions, fuel trucks can operate for 12 hours a day without triggering the rest break requirement. 

The exemption was granted as fuel drivers already “receive several short ‘breaks’ each day when they unload…at service stations.” 

“This is a great development for our fuel haulers and a shining example of association partnership for trucking advocates,” said National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) President Daniel Furth. “We are thrilled that the agency agrees that this relief will lower costs for carriers and prices for consumers without compromising safety on our nation’s roadways.” 

NTTC and the Trucking Association of Massachusetts (TAM) jointly applied for the exemption that was formally published in the Federal Register on April 9, 2018 and will last until April 8, 2023. It can then be renewed.

The two organisations requested that FMCSA exempt the tank truck drivers who would be on-duty for longer than 12 hours as long as they were carrying petroleum products and were equipped with an electronic logging device (ELD). FMCSA agreed that the time these drivers spend unloading provides rest that is equivalent to, and often greater than, rest from the traditional 30-minute rest break.

Former TAM chairman and NTTC member John Hamel, President of J&S Transport Co of Lynn MA, said: “This was a big win for us. This announcement will provide relief that allows our drivers to get more rest and creates flexibility that will provide improved customer service and greater fleet efficiencies.” 

For more information, visit:

30th April 2018

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